Saturday, September 6, 2008

A History Mystery - Pirates of New Orleans

In a coup of epic proportions, The Morgan Diaries have gotten our grubby little hands on the memoirs of the infamous New Orleans pirate, Jean Baptiste Morgane.

As most of you probably know, Jean Baptiste's career of ravishing and plundering was cut mysteriously short during the late 1700s when he disappeared in the Caribbean and was never heard from again. This, his final journal, reveals what truly happened to the legendary buccaneer.

Join us as over the next two months as we post excerpts from his journal. At the same time, to help us delve into the mystery, we have Dr. Morgan Beauchamp of Tulane University, the leading source on pirates of New Orleans, Morgane in particular. She is also known as the person responsible for unearthing the lost journal of Jean Baptiste Morgane. We are excited to have her unique insight into this enigma of American history.

In a blog event sure to create a stir, this is something you definitely don't want to miss. And as Halloween draws near, Morgan O and J Morgan will be offering a chance to you, our readers, to get into fun. Stay tuned to The Morgan Diaries for information on the details.

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