Five Gold Rings
by Morgan Q. O'Reilly
Copyright 2011
“I have no gift to bring, pa-rum-pum-pum-pum,” the Christmas carol played in the background as Terri wrapped gifts on the living room floor.
Caught up in the spirit, she pa-rum-pum-pum-pumed right along with the recording pouring from the surround sound speakers. “I played my best for him…”
Behind her the door of her tiny condo opened and a blast of cold from the hallway rushed in with Victor. It was cut off when he shut the door.
Quickly she put a last piece of tape on the paper covering her big gift to her lover. “Just in time, sweetheart.” Peel and stick, and the big bow she’d bought topped the box. “I just finished.”
Silence greeted her along with the still slightly chill air. Victor wasn’t big on words, but she knew he was there, standing by the door.
“I’m almost ready for the party. Took my bath and already did my hair and makeup. Just have to slip on my dress, shoes and jewelry and I’m ready to go. Won’t take me a minute to clean up here and finish dressing.” She rose to her feet and straightened her silk robe, the one he’d given her for Christmas last year. Deep ivy green, it barely covered her butt when she stood. Turning to face the entrance, she didn’t have to paste a smile on her face. Victor Maitland was the love of her life and he treated her so well it was impossible not to smile when he was around.
As she expected, Victor stood just inside the door, impeccably dressed in a tux with black tie under the long black wool coat he wore against the bitter cold winter waiting outside.
She took a long moment to drink in his appearance. Beyond the elegant clothes, the man himself was refined, yet falling just short of perfectly polished. It wasn’t apparent in his clothes, or his precision cut hair. Body and face were the result of centuries of perfect genetic blending. His hair was hair black, eyes intensely blue. Ah, his eyes. That’s where his image fell short of respectable. His eyes burned like blue flames and showed a hint of the devil inside. Her devil. If they’d lived a hundred years earlier, he’d be the rake all the society mamas twittered about, on the one hand warning their daughters away while on the other hand wondering just how thrilling it would be to get him into their beds for a night or three.
Tonight the flame was no less bright in his eyes as he scanned her from head to toe. By his smile, the slightly crooked, devilish one, she knew he approved her preparations so far. She’d swept her long blonde hair up with a few tendrils left to look enticingly escaped. A day at the spa had left her freshly waxed, perfectly smooth all over, her finger and toenails painted a wanton cherry red. Makeup artfully applied played up her cheekbones and made her round brown eyes look bigger. The dress she’d picked out, covered in a pattern of green sequins of all shades, emphasized her Marilyn Monroe figure the way he loved best. But then, so did the skimpy robe she wore now. Or didn’t, as the case may be, she thought when she felt the slippery belt give way and the robe gaped open.
“Hello,” she said, suddenly feeling shy under his intense scrutiny.
He didn’t need to say more. In his soft voice, the command was there.
With a shrug of her shoulders the silk slid to the floor. Arms folded behind her back thrust her breasts forward where he couldn’t miss the stainless steel rings. Standing with her legs slightly spread, she knew he could see the two labia rings and the one through her clit hood. The last six weeks had been long as she healed from the new decorations. Her gift of love to Victor. He hadn’t specifically insisted she get the piercings, and certainly not all at once, but he’d made a point of admiring the adornments. For his birthday she’d asked him to take her to the piercing salon. There, under the supervision of the salon operator, Victor himself had pierced her. And then cared for her, making sure the wounds remained infection free.
The pain had been worth it, she decided. The look in Victor’s eyes made every bit of it worthwhile. She wouldn’t recommend doing all five at once to anyone considering it, but at least the pain was done and over with. She couldn’t think of anything else she’d have pierced. Three holes in each ear, plus her five body piercings, were plenty.
“Finish dressing. The party starts soon and I don’t want to be late.”
“Yes, Victor. Will you help me?”
The heat in his eyes flared, and his smile deepened. But he shook his head. “I’ll wait here. Be quick.”
He had plans. Something wonderful. He loved to tease her, build up her anticipation, never failing to amaze her with his creativity.
Well, he wasn’t the only one who loved to tease. Turning, she bent over to retrieve her fallen robe, giving him a view from another angle. Upside down she peeked and saw his gaze firmly directed between her legs. The same view he got when he bent her over the arm of the sofa and attached a chain to the labia rings, running it over her lower back to hold her open to him. He’d presented the sterling silver chain a week ago, their first test of her piercings down there. A grand success, he’d declared and told her his plans for playing with her new jewelry and the ways he could torment her with intense pleasure.
“Don’t tease or there’ll be an extra paddling for you.”
Instead of scaring her, the threat titillated. “And if I want the extra paddling?”
“I might withhold it. Get moving.”
“Fa-la-la-la-la-la-lah…” she sang with the stereo on the way to her room.
There she quickly pulled on the dress, a few lengths of swishy chiffon, weighted down with just enough sequins to keep the layers in place to adequately cover her, but a strong breeze would sweep aside the skirt panels and show off her lower body. The top plunged to the waist front and back. Victor could sweep the panels aside and expose her completely if he so chose.
And she hoped he would. At least in the car to and from the party. They’d made love in the back of the limousine plenty of times. Nearly every time they hired the service to transport them to and from the various functions his business demanded he attend. The sex relaxed them both before joining the tycoons and their ice cold wives. It enhanced Victor’s devil may care attitude that set him aside as a maverick in the old blue blood society.
She looked in the mirror one more time as she put on the last earring, a hoop with a diamond stud. The other holes held diamond studs in graduated sizes, also gifts from Victor. She never bought jewelry for herself, Victor wouldn’t hear of it. If she wanted it, he bought it. The jewelry box on her dresser held a fortune in gold, platinum and precious stones.
Around her neck she placed the gold and diamond heart necklace he’d given her for Valentine’s day. On her wrist the emerald and diamond bracelet for her birthday. Each piece reminded her of the lavish lovemaking that had accompanied the occasion. He didn’t always give her expensive jewelry, but he did love to see her dressed in nothing else. Now that she had the body piercings she wondered what clever ideas he had swirling around his imagination.
Last, she buckled on delicate heels with straps around her ankles. As cold as it was outside, she was grateful they had a warm car waiting. One last check in the mirror and she smiled in satisfaction. Victor would find nothing out of place. She grabbed her clutch and hurried to where she found him waiting with her hooded cashmere cape in hand.
“Beautiful.” The few words he did use conveyed his feelings perfectly. “Show me.”
As he insisted her clothes provide him ease of access, she demonstrated how the dress could be adjusted to display or hide her body.
“Perfect. Get a half dozen more like this in all the colors you like best.” He whipped the cloak around her shoulders then tugged on one nipple ring before covering it with the cloak. “Don’t cover yourself with the dress until I tell you.”
“Yes, Victor.”
The trip down to the car was swift and before the cold had a chance to settle in, Victor had her tucked into the warm car, cocooned in their own world, separated from the driver by the privacy screen. Soft Christmas music drifted from the speakers.
The car pulled away from the curb and Victor patted his lap. “Come here.”
Knowing his preference, and hers too, she held her cloak closed as she rose up on her knees and straddled his legs.
“Feeling cold?” he smiled and reached for her cloak.
Throat dry with anticipation, she shook her head.
Victor pulled her cloak open and gazed at her exposed breasts. Already puckered, her nipples tightened more under his observation. “So beautiful, but something’s not quite right.”
“Stop frowning.” He smoothed the frown from her brow with one thumb. “Kiss me instead.”
Immediately her smile returned. An order she loved, she placed her hands on his wide shoulders for balance and leaned forward to touch his lips with hers. Victor’s hands skimmed her torso, stopping only briefly to hold her breasts and tease her nipples. He’d been holding off playing with her new rings, letting her heal, but now he tested and she moaned into his mouth. His kiss, always able to heat her to molten lava, combined with the new nipple stimulation took her to new heights. The sensitivity… it was beyond what she’d ever imagined. She wanted him in her, now.
His moan matched hers as he took his hands away from her breasts and moved down her body to still her hips. “Soon,” he murmured against her lips. “But first…”
His hands parted the panels of her skirt. The warm air of the car brushed against her sensitized skin and her clit throbbed against the ball of the piercing resting over it. Victor found it and played with it, sending her temperature higher.
“Please,” she begged, her inner muscles clenching in a need so strong she trembled.
“Soon,” he promised. “I do like this dress.”
A giggle bubbled up and she let it escape. Of all the times to admire her dress… then again, it was designed exactly for this moment.
“I have a gift for you,” he said.
“I know, I feel it. I want it.”
Victor chuckled. “Yes, you’ll get that one too. You own that one, have since the day we met.”
Terry pulled back enough to look into his eyes, remembering the night they’d met at one of the interminable parties her parents insisted she attend on behalf of their favorite charities. It was a good cause, and she loved raising money for it, but did it have to be done at rubber chicken dinners over stifling small talk? Victor had saved her that night, and every night since.
“Now hold still,” he said while reaching into his breast pocket. “Close your eyes.”
She gave a huff to demonstrate her frustration, but did as told. Victor never gave orders like that unless something wonderful was about to happen. They were perfect together. He loved to tease her, she loved his brand of teasing, and even more, they both loved the climax that left them sated and breathless. Sometimes the teasing lasted only a moment, sometimes hours, and on occasion, days. This time the teasing had carried on for weeks, Victor being careful of her healing. She was ready to move forward, full steam ahead.
“I’m giving you new jewelry,” he said. Immediately she felt the tugging as he removed the stainless steel ring from her right nipple and replaced it with something metallic and warm. Something that also had a dangly bit that…jingled. Like a tiny bell.
“Wha--?” she started to ask but he silenced her with a finger against her lips.
“Hold still, I don’t want to miss and hurt you.”
The second nipple ring was replaced and the jewelry on her nipples tinkled merrily as he flicked the tips of her hard peaks.
“Ooh…” She wiggled and moaned. The music was faint, but there. How far would it carry? She didn’t even know where they were going tonight. He’d said it was a surprise. “May I see?”
“Not yet,” he said, his hands moving downward. “Sit on the seat behind you, in full presentation.”
She quickly scooted off his lap, to the rear facing seat and scooched down, her legs spread, giving him complete access to her smooth coochie.
“Keep your eyes closed.” More bells tinkled as he replaced the labial rings and finally her clit ring. Cold liquid touched each spot. “To prevent infection,” he explained. “Although you’ve healed, it’s still early days.”
Good hygiene was at the top of Victor’s list. He didn't ever want to be sidetracked by uncleanliness. A fact she appreciated.
Eyes still closed, she could only imagine the expression on his face as he flicked each tinkling bell, the sensation firing her imagination. Were they going to the club where he’d pull back the drapes of her dress and show off her new jewelry? Were they going to some Mayflower event where only he and she would hear the bells and know where the sound came from? Or was it a far more intimate gathering where only a few friends would be, the women stripped of all but their jewelry for the men to admire?
“Yes, just what I like to see.” He flicked the jewelry pieces, one by one, saying just one word to identify each in turn. “Love. Respect. Devotion. Faith. Trust. That’s what these five represent.” He stopped on the one over her clit. Trust. Her trust had been stretched to the limit when he’d saved this spot for last at the piercing salon. And as always, he’d earned her trust by doing it just right. Even the salon owner had been impressed with his accuracy.
Victor’s finger stroked the very edge of her labia. “You like this. Sit up straight, you know how, I want to look.”
She sat up straight, perched on the very edge of the leather seat, legs spread, the drapes of her skirt falling to the outside of her thighs, her breasts exposed. Each movement made music.
“May I open my eyes?”
“Yes.” Victor’s gaze was directed at her eyes as she opened them. The desire there took her breath away. “What do you think? Take a look.”
She did as told. From the new gold rings on her breasts hung little gold bells, much like the ones hanging from the tree in her apartment. When she moved, tiny gold clappers hit the sides, creating delicate music. She wiggled and from below she heard a slightly different tone.
At his nod, she bent forward and touched herself. Three tiny, enclosed bells, also gold, hung from new gold rings.
“They’re beautiful…but…”
“The noise?” His eyes crinkled in amusement. “Our secret. Others may hear it, but only you and I will know where it’s coming from. However,” he reached into his pocket again and withdrew a long jewelers box, “this will redirect the curiosity but for only the truly knowledgeable.” He opened the box and took out a small gold chain with a five bells hanging from it. “Give me your right foot.”
He’d barely secured the chain around her ankle when the car slowed and turned. “We’re here.”
A glance out the darkly tinted window showed the car traveling up the long drive to Victor’s family’s mansion. So. A family event. And Victor had dressed her to catch attention. A glance at his face showed his wicked amusement. He loved to taunt his perfectly icy stiff parents. Usually he did it some way other than flaunting her, or their sexual relationship, in their face. But tonight, she didn’t care. Really, she never cared. Both of them shared a disdain for the hypocrisy of their “set” and how they pretended to be proper on the surface, yet most cheated on their spouses and business partners in private. What she had with Victor was far more healthy, far more loving and respectable, a code shared with their closest friends.
Victor tugged the bodice of her dress over her breasts. “I can hardly wait to unwrap you later.”
By the time the driver came around to open the door, Terri was covered properly. Victor climbed out first and helped her from the warmth of the car into the cold under the portico. Not one flake of the snow falling from the inky sky would touch her head or toe, but that didn’t make her any more eager to stand outside. Without running, Victor whisked her into the grand foyer where a servant waited to take their coats.
They were quickly caught up in the crowd made up of forty of Paul Maitland’s closest friends and family. Small talk and laughter, served up with champagne and hors d'oeuvres, mostly covered the tinkling of Terri’s bells. When someone commented, she shook her leg, drawing attention to the bells at her ankle. Many women turned green with envy while their men took their time admiring her leg, and other bits of skin showing as she moved about in the protective shell provided by Victor’s arm.
Victor’s best friend, Sheldon Clark smiled knowingly and brushed up against her more than once. They’d talk more at the club, although Sheldon’s Aunt Amelia, another member of V Club, also smiled into her champagne and quietly asked what the bells felt like, while the club’s manager, Edward, listened attentively. Amelia mildly commented she’d been considering something similar.
“We’ll get together soon and I’ll fill you in,” Terri promised, curious about the odd expression on Edward’s face. She knew he and Amelia were friends, but tonight something seemed different. Not just that Edward was at an event away from the club, he was a regular in society, but Terri couldn’t ever remember him standing so close to Amelia. Amelia’s husband, Charles Walker, stood across the room, blind to what might be a developing liaison. Interesting.
Possible scandals were forgotten the moment the dining room doors were thrown open. Dinner was predictable, although the beef roast was far more exquisite than the chicken often served at larger events. Everything around her glittered, from the decorations filling the dining room, to the priceless china and crystal, to the jewels worn by not only the women but the men as well. Victor wore a solid gold bracelet she’d bought him and a family signet ring with a significant diamond set in it. All the major jewelry designers were well represented. She speculated that all the loot combined could open a store to rival Tiffany in value.
With dinner cleared, dessert and coffee just served, the room quieted to the music of a spoon gently tapping a ringing crystal goblet. Terri followed the sound to see Victor, seated near his mother, ignoring the maternal glare for abusing the crystal.
Their gazes locked. The room hushed. Victor stood and lifted his newly refilled champagne glass. Walking slowly, he started around the table.
“I have something to say.”
The last whispers in the room died and all grew still but for the background music. Carol of the Bells.
Terri’s breath hitched and her heart leaped. She only had eyes for her lover, and he for her. The more intense his gaze grew, the warmer her cheeks became.
“I’ve only known Terri a year. But from the time our gazes met across the room at the St Jude’s gala, I’ve seen no other woman.”
He walked around his father’s end of the table, and Terri turned in her chair to follow his progress. She was seated at the midpoint of the table, between a congressman and a priest. Both of whom had glanced at her chest more than once as if trying to pinpoint the source of the music coming from her nipple bells.
“Terri, I’d be honored, and immeasurably proud, if you’d allow me to call you my wife.”
He reached out to her and she grabbed a hold of his hand with her left. Slowly she stood and moved into his arms.
“Marry me.”
“Yes,” she whispered around the ringing in her ears.
Applause broke out around them as he kissed her, deeply, meaningfully, possessively.
“The ring!” someone called out. “Let’s see the ring!”
Laughing, they were both breathless when they parted.
“Yes,” Victor said. “This wouldn’t be complete without the ring.”
In his hand was yet another jeweler’s box, small, square and covered in black velvet. He opened the box and revealed the treasure inside. Five slender, gold bands, four of them folded into a knot over the middle ring where a huge emerald cut diamond rested.
“Five gold rings,” he whispered. “To match the real symbols of our love.” His hand brushed her breast as he lifted her left hand, making the bell there ring.
Terri understood. The rings he’d given her in the car.
Of course the ring fit perfectly. Victor was careful about such details.
“Love, respect, devotion, faith and trust,” she whispered back to him.
“What’s that?” the congressman called out.
“Love, respect, devotion, faith and trust,” Victor said out loud. “The five tenets upon which our relationship is based. All are equally important and symbolized by the five rings held together by a lovers knot.”
Arms still around her, Victor turned her so he stood at her back and held out her left hand, the movement accompanied by her muffled bells.
“I keep hearing bells,” the elderly priest muttered.
Victor hid his laugh by pressing a kiss to her neck, an act that sent shivers chasing across her skin and started a warm, moist, ache between her legs. When the congressman held up Victor’s glass of champagne for him to take, she realized he must have passed it off before embracing her.
They stayed just long enough to gather the congratulations of everyone present, and giddy with anticipation, she let Victor take her off to the foyer for their coats.
The old butler smiled. “Your car is waiting, Mr. Victor. I offer my sincerest congratulations, and the staff extends their best wishes for a long and happy life to you both.”
Victor clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks, Rothwell.”
Terri hurried into the car, hardly noticing the thick flakes of white falling like a curtain around the house. She wanted to accept Victor’s proposal her way.
He’d barely sat when she leaped onto his lap, legs splayed to straddle his thighs.
“Hey,” he gently protested.
“Yes, Victor, a thousand times yes,” she said as she flung off her cloak and reached for his pants. “Just don’t make me wait a second longer. I want you now.”
Instead of holding her back, he pushed her skirt panels aside, ringing her bells as he stroked between her legs. “Sweet Venus, you’re wet. You’re molten.”
“I am. All for you.” She opened his fly and reached inside, finding him readily enough and setting him free from his silk boxers. “And you’re ready for me.”
“Only you. Always you.”
She directed him with precision and lowered herself onto his cock. His hands found her lower rings and tugged on them, holding her open until he was fully seated inside, filling her the way she loved best. Inside she flexed her muscles, drawing a groan from him.
“I want to hear bells,” he said. Hands gripping her hips, he lifted her and let her settle down again, the sound of her bells creating a merry tune. “All of them, keep moving,” he ordered and reached for her breasts. The bodice readily parted and he wrapped his big hands around each breast, bouncing her flesh, making the last two bells ring. “All of them, darling. Fuck me like you mean it.”
She began to move, fast, slow, up and down, undulating, rolling her hips, grinding against him, all the ways they both loved. All around she heard bells. The music was glorious. If the saying were true, a whole host of angels were getting their wings right then.
Victor pulled her toward him and wrapped his lips around one nipple while tweaking the other, playing with her nipple rings in ways he hadn’t yet dared. Spikes of heat, pure liquid fire, streaked through her body. She held onto his shoulders loving the contrast of his perfectly groomed upper body, still securely wrapped properly in silk and wool while his center connected with her center. So proper, and yet so naughty at the same time. It was the contrasts of Victor that kept her intrigued. So very much like him and something that kept his business competitors off balance.
As if sensing her slight distraction, he used his tongue to tug on the nipple ring in his mouth and she felt her anticipation, her need, move higher.
He released her nipples, moving one hand to her waist, the other to the bell between her legs. “Do you like this? Did it tease you all evening?”
“Yes.” She moaned. “Yes, the bell kept tormenting me. All of them. I wanted nothing more than to drag you into the library and beg you to fuck me right there, on the desk, on the rug, anywhere. I need you. Now, Victor, now.”
“There’s an image I like. You, wide open for me, on top of my great grandfather’s desk.”
He rubbed her clit harder and she exploded. Bells filled her ears, although she wasn’t sure if they were the ones she wore, inside her head, or on the stereo. Victor’s shout followed a second later and she felt him pulsing inside her clenching muscles. His hands gripped her hips hard, holding her down tight on him. A long moment later, it seemed like hours, her body eased right down on top of him like wax softened to the point just before melting.
“There’s one tenet we left off the list,” he murmured.
“Yes,” she agreed. “Desire.”
“That’s the diamond. It sparkles like my desire for you. Now and always.”
“Five gold rings and one bright star to remind us for all time.”
“Merry Christmas, my love.”
“Yes, very merry.”
Victor moved deep inside her and she smiled right into his shining eyes. From the speakers came her favorite carol of all. The bells would always remind her of this night.
Victor pushed the button to speak with the driver. “Take the long way home, Nelson.”
“Very good, sir.”
The intercom cut out and the music returned.
“Now where were we,” Victor asked.
“We were playing some music.” She moved on his lap and her bells joined the carol on the speakers.
“…pa-rum-pum-pum-pum…I played my best for Him, pa-rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum, Then He smiled at me, pa-rum-pum-pum-pum...”
Victor’s smiled outshone all the diamonds she’d ever seen. “Yes, play for me.”
For more of That Olde Christmas Magic, click on the title and it will take you to the Smashwords link.
Angels might get wings with every bell that rings, but four couples find that bells and magic this Christmas send them flying on wings of love.
~ Victor and Terri find their spell with five words and Five Gold Rings.
~ Greg and Lisa’s hearts are Tied Up in a Bow (or two).
~ Sheldon has A Paddle for Patti and she learns every now and again it's good for the soul.
~ Edward has All Amelia Wants for Christmas, but can she take it?
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to leave a comment or send me an email if Blogspot is being naughty! morgan (at) morganqoreilly (dot) com
Loved this. I want to read more.Yummy
Please enter me in this contest. Thank you. npl42011@hotmail.com
WOW. Phew, that's some hot stuff there! Now I know why it's been rated.XD Steamy story. Sure do melt the snow around here! (Aw man, lame joke, yes I know. *cringe*) Haha, happy holidays!
cypsays_hi at hotmail dot com
Very hot story! Merry Christmas
Great story! Merry Christmas! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com
OMG Now I need to turn a fan on!
Merry Christmas!
Wow and the happiest of holidays to you!
WOW! Happy Holidays to you and I am off to get the other stories...
wow! I will be reading more of your writing in the future. Thank you for joining in on the contest
Wow!! What an excerpt! **fanning myself** I am definitely going to get this one to read - can't wait.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!!
Thanks for the giveaway.
pnc07 (at) aol (dot) com
Really great! Merry Christmas!
Wow! loved it :D Merry Christmas
Thanks to everyone who stopped in today! Aren't all the stories fun to read? A lot of creative minds have been busy at work this year :)
So glad you stopped by and I'm looking forward to even more new friends :) Spread the word and share the joy out there.
Wow! Awesome excerpt! This book sounds hot! ;D Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!
Whew...H-A-W-T excerpt! LOVED it!! :P Happy Holidays!
"I keep hearing bells..."
Hehe. Great story, Morgan :)
I loved the story!
Great story!
Thanks for doing this Hop... I loved the Halloween one!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing your story Morgan, and happy holidays.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Thanks for sharing the story!
HOT! HOT! HOT! Damn snow is melting! :-)
Hey, I'm all for melting snow!! We have popular bumper sticker up here: Alaskans for Global Warming.
Stay cozy!
Hi Morgan,
You're a new Author for me. But after reading this very hot excerpt, which I loved I'm going to check out all your reads. :) Thanks for sharing with us. Happy Holidays.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
I'm drooling here, I loved this.
Love love love it. Happy Holidays!
very hot ... Loved it
merry christmas
The full moon is on fire, the sun is rising, I was pondering hot cocoa in San Francisco to fight the chill, but I've just been defrosted by bells. Mercy sakes!
I'm going to be grinning every time a hear a bell ring this season. Thank you very much!
Awesome story! Happy Holidays!
Nice and hot excerpt! Thanks! You are a new author for me and I look forward to reading more by you. Thanks for participating in the hop and for the opportunity to win.
WildAboutBones at gmail dot com
Love the story! Thanks!
Thank you for the blazing hot Christmas gift, Morgan!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
A very steamy story perfect for this freezing day. Thanks for posting and Happy Holidays!
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Lovely way to warm up a cold and wintry day...thanks! I see a book shopping trip in my future.
Awesome excerpt.Thanks for sharing
Happy Holidays!
Very sexy story - and she has my name!
Very hot story! Thanks so much. Happy Holidays. :)
Brave woman, I could never do 5 piercings at once.
Thank you!! This was amazing.
Proper and naughty... loved the story!
Happy Holidays!!!
OMG! What a nice way to warm up on a cold day. Thanks for the story and the giveaway.
Yum. What a great story. I am having a wonderful time going to all the sites in Santa’s sleigh! I love visiting with old friends and finding new authors and books to add to my wish list. <^_^> !!
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize! <^_^>
reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com
Well that is deliciously naughty and the piercings ouch! very nice excerpt. Seasons Greetings! rshereifa at yahoo dot com
Look at all you wonderful people! I'm feeling warm and cozy from all the nice comments. So many new friends, and some familiar faces too! Can't ask for more than that. I'm truly blessed.
Wow thank you for the very hot story. Nice thing to warm the evening up!
Who needs an open fire on a cold winters night with this read. Congrats!
great story and hope you holidays are merry and bright.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
Loved the story and will go to Smashwords to find the rest.
linze_e at hotmail.com
Whew! (fanning self) What a Christmas story! Can't wait to read more!
books4me67 at ymail dot com
Thanks for the VERY hot story! Happy Holidays!
Loved this! Going to check out out Smashwords after I finish the tour.
you know, now everytime i hear bells, this story is excatly what i am going to be thinking about!!
Great story! I am definitely interested in reading more stories!
Happy Holidays!!!
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Whew, hot! You know how to keep your readers interested! Cant wait to get this. Thanks!
Beautifully erotic! Thank you.
I can definitely envision her sparkling in diamonds and gems! Happy Holidays =)
Na S.
That story made my heart melt ;) I loved it, thanks for sharing and for being part of the hop!
I love the simplicity of the six tennets of their love for one another and their devotion. Thank you for the story. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love your:
"“Love, respect, devotion, faith and trust,” Victor said out loud. “The five tenets upon which our relationship is based. All are equally important and symbolized by the five rings held together by a lovers knot.”
How beautiful! I can't wait to read some more of your books...awesome!
Thank you for being part of the blog hop!
merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you & Yours!
pommawolf @hotmail.com
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