Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We're Talking Trailer Trash Tuesdays

So the trailers aren't really trash, but it seems like a good title. So here we are, our first offering for Trailer (Trash) Tuesday. We have the wonderful Melanie Atkins who offered up her trailer for her upcoming release from Cobblestone Press, Voodoo Bones.

Want to see your book trailer here next week? Send your vids to morgan @ morganqoreilly.com (take out the spaces) and put Trailer Trash Tuesday in the Subject line. If we like your trailer best, we'll post it here on Tuesday. Jmo and I are the final judges on what we like best and will do our best to schedule trailers around your release dates.

Thank you, Melanie, for sharing with us!

1 comment:

danetteb said...

Creepy trailer. I liked it :)

Hugs, Danette