Well when our minds turn to inspired flings, none other than a few select hotties spring to mind. Let's not forget to throw in a blood sucker or two, and some dark romance for reading on the beach or just in a nice flowering garden. Hey, it is Spring after all. So we thought why not toss a few of our favorite Hotties of Spring at you. A top ten of hotness, if you will. And we will. Insert brahwahwahwahwa here.
Over the next few weeks we're going to be counting down our top ten Spring Time Hotties of all time. What does this mean? It means pictures! Dazzling commentary between the two Morgans! Some other stuff we haven't come up with yet! That last bit should scare the pants right off you. But, mostly it means a ton of fun for you and us. So, when you think your day can't get any worse, and giant Rabbits are trying to get you to take the blue pill instead of the red pill, don't run and hide under the bed. We'll already be there so you need to find another spot. We suggest behind the coat rack at the Howard Johnsons out on Route 5.
When you get done doing that, come back to the blog and see if your hottie has made the list. If it hasn't, tell us why it should. We won't get mad at you. In fact, we'll add the top two suggests with the best explanation for why they should be on the list as honorable mentions, which will get the suggestee (suggestor?) well, whichever it is, that person will get a copy of either Jmo's or Morgan O's latest book. You can't get fairer than that. You can, but we can't exactly bump one of our hotties for one of yours. Their feelings might get hurt. A sobbing hottie isn't a pretty sight.
So, here's to kicking off Spring and making all our Hottie dreams come true! Or at the very least slobber on the screen when Morgan O posts the pics.
Don’t forget to look over the rules for the Night Owl Reviews’ Spring Fling and look for the answer to Morgan’s question for a chance at the huge list of awesome prizes, including a $25 Amazon gift card from us!